The Hard-Hitting Truths about Dry Ice Blasting Machines

Dry Ice Blasting Machines - A.K.A Cleaning Machines

Dry ice blasting is environmentally friendly, cost efficient, high-speed and an effective High Pressure Cleaning Solution.

What is Dry Ice Blasting?

Dry Ice is the solid form of pure carbon dioxide.  Dry Ice Blasting uses small dry ice pellets as the blasting media – and they are made from 100% carbon dioxide (Co2).

The dry ice pellets are formed by a machine that cleans the Co2 and turns them into 3mm pellets. The pellets are then injected into the high-pressure blasting machine and combined with compressed air – similar to other high-pressure blasting cleaning methods.

There are a few events happening when the Co2 pellets are blasted:

  • Thermal – the extremely low temp. of the dry ice (-79c) shock freezes the contaminant making it brittle and weak.
  • Kinetic – the bond between the contaminant and the surface that is being cleaned is loosening and cracking.
  • Sublimation – the dry ice then penetrates the contaminant and instantly changes from a solid to gaseous state – sublimates – which lifts the contaminant from the surface

Fast & effective

Dry ice blasting machines have exceptionally high cleaning speeds, and can get deep into the nooks and crannies, of even the most inaccessible parts of what is being cleaned. The residue does not become trapped and no chemicals or materials are left behind – unlike other high-pressure cleaning methods.

For this reason, dry ice blasting is ideal for cleaning machinery, electrical installations, surfaces and moulds. Machines can often be cleaned while still in operation – eliminating the need for dismantling and re-assembling the machine in question.

Environmentally friendly

High-pressure dry ice is completely non-toxic. and requires no hazardous chemicals or solvents. It eliminates the risk of operators being exposed to hazardous fumes during cleaning.

The quantity of waste material is greatly reduced – with only the waste that has been blasted needing to be cleaned up afterwards. Costs associated with the disposal of hazardous solvents and chemicals is also eliminated – as well as the risk of polluting drains and sewerage systems.

Dry ice blasting is suitable for a large range of industries and functions.Dry Ice Blasting is ideal for removing coatings such as varnish, grease, oil, adhesives – just to name a few. They are ideal for industries that require high level of hygiene – such as pharmaceutical and food industries.

For expert advice on dry ice blasting machines give the friendly team at Polar Blasting a call today on 07 5494 5554.

Should you invest in a commercial vacuum for your business?

Hepamedic Hybrid Wide Area 500 | Vacuum | A.K.A. Cleaning Machines

When you have a business to run, worrying if your space is cleaned to an appropriate hygienic standard or not is an added stress you don’t need. Investing in a commercial vacuum could alleviate this concern.

What benefits does a commercial vacuum offer opposed to conventional ‘home-use’ vacuums?

  • Cost efficiency

Commercial vacuums are designed to withstand tough conditions for extended periods of time. While the initial purchase of one may seem costly, the longevity and durability of a commercial vacuum will save you time and money in the long run.

  • Gets the job done faster and more efficiently

Time is money! As cliché as the saying may be, it bears a lot of truth. Commercial vacuums undeniably perform a higher quality clean and in a quicker time frame. Most commercial models are also designed to be portable for vacuuming large areas without having to unplug and move the chord.

  • Versatility

Most commercial vacuums have a large selection of different ‘heads’ that allow them to perform an array of different functions. Many commercial vacuums will have attachments that allow them to also clean ceiling fans, upholstery and vents.

Commercial vacuums typically come in one of three styles: canister vacuum, backpack vacuum or upright vacuum. Your retailer should be able to advise which is most suitable for the area you intend to use it on. At AKA Cleaning Machines our most popular commercial vacuum is the “Backpack – Ghibli T1 V3”.

For expert advice on which commercial vacuum is right for your business, give the friendly team at AKA Cleaning Machines a call today on 07 5494 5554. The team is highly knowledgeable and will guide you towards the right machine based on your needs.

Steam cleaning: a powerful, non-toxic cleaning system

Steam Cleaning | A.K.A Cleaning Machines

When deciding which cleaning system is right for your business or home, steam cleaning warrants a closer look. Unlike other systems which use chemicals or corrosive methods – steam cleaning is gentle yet extremely powerful.

The heat produced by our range of steam cleaning systems is proven to kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria’s within seconds.

The beauty of steam cleaning lies in both the ease of the cleaning system and the amazing results. Steam cleaned surfaces are quick to dry. And without the need for chemicals, this powerful cleaning system is scrubbing, chemical and mess free. Steam cleaning results in surfaces that are hygienically clean and stain free.

So how does a steam cleaner work?

The tiny vapour molecules in steam have the ability to penetrate a surface’s pores to force out dirt, grease and other stain-causing substances. The steam’s extreme heat also eliminates odors, bacteria, germs, mold, dust mites, and other hidden nasties – all without the need for chemicals or scrubbing.

Our AKA Cleaning range of steam cleaning systems are also quick to setup and can come with a wide range of accessories (for all those hard to reach places). For added convenience, you can also get a steam cleaner and vacuum in one!

Where can I use a steam cleaner?

Steam cleaning systems are highly versatile. Around the home, they are perfect for sealed tile and hardwood floors, grout, sinks, tubs, countertops, carpets, mattresses, upholstery, showers, ovens, stove tops, grills, glass, and more. The beauty of our steam cleaning systems is that they are also designed for more intensive applications. Below are just some of the industries that our Steam Cleaning systems can be used for:

• Equipment Detail
• Machinery
• Aged Care facilities
• Contract cleaners
• Hospitals and clinics
• Pubs & Clubs
• Health Centres
• Veterinary practices

One of the biggest challenges businesses face is finding safe, cost-effective,  fficient and user-friendly cleaning processes. That’s where we come in. With in-house training and excellent after-sales service, we’ll ensure you get the right cleaning solution for your space. Contact AKA Cleaning today!